Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Autumnal Reflections

I went on a Shamanic Course on the coast near Seaford over the weekend with Dawn and Lorraine of the Eagles Wings Medicine School. The course was entitled Awakening the Enchantress and these words enchanted me... I was curious and I love learning new things.


The morning before I set off I felt a little confused at myself, menstrual and introspective I sat thinking,’ Why did I book on this course? My Enchantress is well n truly awake!' I did my morning yoga n settled my monkey mind telling myself to be still and let things wash over me. Made myself a pot of raspberry leaf, ladies mantle, nettle n yarrow tea to easy my blood time and set off on my journey to meet the ladies.

The retreat was held at Gayle’s Farm a beautiful venue on the South coast I arrived and plotted myself in a bed in the smaller dorm. Everyone arrived together it seemed all chatty and warm, it felt fab to be surrounded by women. We sat in a circle and sang chants to open the weekend and as my voice and heart opened I felt home, I felt accepted, I felt calm and part of a whole.  Sat in a circle of 16 women whom I had never met before, as we sang in  circle they became my sisters.

The Ant was pulled from the tarot deck and what I heard was Patience, Trust and Strategy....and what I thought of was community co-operation.

There were times over the weekend when I questioned as to what I was doing there being guided to connect with an Enchantress that is ME. There were times over the weekend when I was moved to express tears simply by listening to others talk. I am grateful to Dawn and Lorraine who showed me warmth, compassion, love and generosity of spirit. I trust them and their expert guidance in their craft. What struck me most about these 2 Women was their, Down to Earth manor. Shamanism comes in as many guises as Yoga or DJs and these Shamanic Women are my kind o Music...I can dance with them, knowing if I throw in some silly moves they'll laugh along with me.....

What I learnt about myself is that through being gentler I am more focused and powerful. My personal mission is growing and developing and changing with the seasons. Fiona and I are now at a stage, 10 yrs down the line of Sensory Herbcraft's Birth that we can employ a fund raiser…Our dreams are real we are walking in them. Change is possible for our planet and our race and through compassion, love and care it is happening.

One thing that really empowered me over the weekend was when I searched my soul for my RANT, my RANT was one of deep compassion I don't feel disempowered in anyway, I trust and believe fully in Life, whatever shit is around challenging my balance. We each have an enourmous power inside of us to light up the world. Planting seeds, literally to grow our food and medicine and seeds of hope so that through communication and education we can create brilliant amazing changes.

Today I shared drinks of beetroot, apple, cucumber, chickweed n nettle juice from the back garden and soup of our potatoes, leeks, tomatoes and rosemary….. and the world is bright and clear….


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