Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Green n da Purple......

I love these 2 colours together the vibrant pale green-yellow hues of the Ladies mantle in flower and the deep purples of the Sage. I have been harvesting from my garden this morning - I caught a few rays of sun in amidst the clouds.

My mother-out-law is here staying from Austria, she has come to help my man whilst I run run away to Dorset to attend a workshop with The Sacred Trust -The Way of the Melissae -how excited I am. So I was getting in a harvest this morning because it will all be gone by the time I return.

The Sage (Salvia officinales) I love as a powerful pick me up real adrenal support in times of stress. Most folks know Sage as a fabulous throat remedy one of the aromatic plants with strong pungent scents great anti-septic actions so stops any bacteria quick smart! It is the thujone in the volatile oil that has an antiseptic and antibiotic action this compound is also found in wormwood, mugwort, oregano and tansy amongst others it is the thujone that has a vermifuge (a substance that expels or destroys intestinal worms (also called antihelmintic or anthelmintic) action.

Salvia also has an astringent action due to its relatively high tannin content so like tea or Oak galls it has this drying action very useful in diarrhoeas.

Because of an antispasmodic action that Sage also has which reduces tension in smooth muscle, it makes it a good remedy in combination for Asthma and it can be used in a steam inhalation for acute attacks, excellent for helping to remove mucous congestion in the airways and for checking or preventing secondary infection.

It may be taken as a carminative to reduce griping and other symptoms of indigestion, and is also of value in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea (pain-full periods). Its bitter component stimulates upper digestive secretions, intestinal mobility, bile flow, and pancreatic function, while the volatile oil has a carminative and stimulating effect on the digestion. There also seems to be a more general relaxant effect, so that the plant is suitable in the treatment of nervousness, excitability and dizziness helping to fortify a generally debilitated nervous system.

Salvia has a strong antihydrotic (reduces or suppresses perspiration) action, and was a traditional treatment for night sweats in tuberculosis sufferers. Its appreciable oestrogenic effect make it particularly beneficial for the night sweats of the menopause (it should never be used to suppress perspiration in fevers). Its oestrogenic effects may also be used to treat some cases of dysmenorrhoea and menstrual irregularity or amenorrhoea. It is effective in reducing milk production, and can be used during the process of weaning an infant off the breast.

 Ladies Mantle-Alchemilla vulgaris

The morning dew that sits so beautifully, held in the palm of the lady herself, gathers in spherical droplets, this dew has magical powers and has been revived for time immemorial, The Alchemists looking for the Elixir of Life held this plant is great esteem and that is why she is named after them. Her leaves were thought to be Mary’s cloak  her full name was –Our Ladies Mantle.

The potent astringent properties of the lady’s mantle herb have been used by many generations of wise women healers in Europe and has been used in stopping both externally as well as internally.

 Extremely useful in conditions like fibriods and endometriosis in women a strong herbal tea can also be used as a douche to wash off excess vaginal discharge and bring rapid healing. I made Pessaries after having Elektra simply by chewing up lots of the leaves and inserting them vaginally whilst I was having a warm bath. Off to make some purple n green tea now x x x x

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