Wednesday, 30 January 2013

New Project for Us Wild Witches

Ok, so we have had some time to think and re jiggle our ideas since the Government through the MHRA - Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency - got in touch with us last summer. We had a meeting in a windowless office with one of their representatives and someone from the local trading standards. It was very very frustrating to be told that what we are doing is illegal and we must stop selling our beautiful, handcrafted herbal remedies (unless of course we pay them £80,000 per product in licensing fees). It was also frustrating being told that our smoking mixture has been deemed TOXIC by their chief toxicologist, but  we are still totally legal prescribing our toxic herbs to our patients??????? Surely that means the Mugwort isn't that toxic then?

Basically we can prescribe anything to our patients under the Henry 8th laws but nothing to the general public. -Herbal Medicine throughout history has always been protected under Common Law. However, in 1542 the medical profession at that time wanted to prevent Herbalists from practising. Fortunately, Henry VIII, as an avid user of herbs, came to the rescue and implemented "The Herbalist's Charter" which underpinned the Herbalists right to practise and anyone with knowledge of herbs could continue to use them.

We have spent time thinking, plotting n planning and came up with all sorts of weird n wonderful ideas -A radio show being one of them. 

But we have decided to focus our energy on a new legal product. Our origin SuperHeroHerbs Green Powders were made up of various delightful herbage -

We are now in the process of tailoring these powders to fit in with current legal regulations yet still inline with our NATIVE ethics and also containing potent health giving properties.....

So watch this space for US WILD N WICKED WITCHES to launch something Wicked n Wild -



  1. Good luck I admire your spirit and hope this works out for you. Mx


  2. Thank you - you get up again over n over -in the words of Madonna!!! Just seen you are in Cardiff how goes it over there?

  3. Bloody Government, bloody faceless departments! So glad to hear taht you are looking for ways around these issues. Does this mean that you are unable to sell any of your previous products, such as sleep mix, online to any purchaser?

    Surely, one way around this is to make anyone who wants to buy your goods a 'client'? Or is that not possible? Funny, cos we could go to a website overseas and buy their goods with no problems, except not knowing exactly what is in them, which we do with your lovely things. Kisses ladies xxx

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